Friday, October 18, 2019

History of Police in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of Police in America - Essay Example Richardson (1970) and Roger Lane (1967) set everything rolling by defining the genesis of policing in New York and Boston respectively. Henceforth, other scholars have followed the trend with the descriptions of police agencies in various parts of the United States of America. Uchida also points out that some authors have focused on issues in policing. This is evident from the study carried out in 1977by Wilbur Miller. The study attempted to examine the legitimating of police in New York and London. Robert Fogelson (1977) and Samuel walker (1977) focused mainly on reform and professionalism of delinquent police during the 1800s and 1900s. It is also reported that Erick Monkkonen (1981) took a different approach from those used by his predecessors. He applied quantitative methods to analyze the advancement of policing between 1860 and the 1920s, considering 23 cities (Uchida, 2004). Despite using different methods, all of them exemplify how policing has developed over time. The schola rs cite the origins of the concepts like authority, crime prevention, discretion and professionalism. They also reveal the causes of policing problems including brutality, inefficiencies and corruption. The main objective of the paper is to explore the origin of policing. It will also describe the impacts of Sir Robert Peel on American policing. Finally, the paper will provide an analysis of the affiliation between the government of America and policing agencies across the U.S. explaining how the relationship may affect police practices. Uchida (2004) notes that like most of the US’ common law tradition, policing as it is today can be straightforwardly be associated with English heritage. He argues that notions pertaining to community policing, the posse, constables, crime prevention, and sheriffs emerged from the enforcement of regulations in England. Beginning 900 A.D., the responsibility to enforce law was vested in civilians. As a result, every common person was accountab le for helping a neighbors who fell victim to outlaws. Since there were no police officers then, people were forced to use force as sanctioned by the state to maintain harmony. Reith once (1956) described the law enforcement model as ‘kin police’. This implies that individuals were their brothers’ keepers and therefore took responsibility for their kin. Uchida (2004) reveals that the model slowly evolved into a formal community-based or ‘communitarian’ police system. It is reported that a community model was developed immediately after the Norman Conquest of 1066, called the frankpledge. Uchida (2004) notes that the frankpledge police system required that every male who 12 years of age be part of a group comprising 10 neighbors, called tything. The responsibility of the each tything was to arrest and take to court any member who committed a crime. In essence, every individual pledged participate in the protection of fellow citizens, and would in turn enjoy similar protection from others. Uchida points out that tything was obligatory in nature and no tythingmen were to be remunerated for the work the did. Rather, they were compelled by law to perform specific tasks. It is also reported that tythingmen also had the power to keep suspects in custody awaiting trial. They would also regularly appear before the courts to report any misdeed spotted among its members. The system required that failure by a member of the tything to carry out their duties called heavy fines for the entire group. Uchida (2004) notes that ten tythings were grouped into a hundred, under the direction of a leader who was an appointee of the local nobleman. This leader became the first policeman and was therefore the first official with law enforcement to

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